Video Serveillance

Video surveillance involves using cameras to monitor and record activities in an area for security and monitoring purposes.Audio video refers to technologies combining sound and visuals 

Advantages of Video Sarveillance

Advantages of video surveillance: enhanced security, monitoring, deterrence, and safety improvement.

  • Crime Deterrence
  • Evidence Collection
  • Legal Compliance

The advantages of video surveillance include enhancing security by deterring crime, providing continuous monitoring and evidence for investigations, improving safety in public spaces, enabling remote monitoring, enhancing operational efficiency, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

how does Video Serveillance enhance security?

Acts as a deterrent to potential criminals who are aware of being monitored.

What is Video Serveillance?

Video surveillance: monitoring and recording activities for security and safety purposes.

What are the benefits of remote monitoring in Video Serveillance?

Benefits: real-time monitoring, remote access, quick response to security incidents.